Monthly Reset 🧘🏼 For Small Business Owners

Before we get started, go up top and hit the bookmark button on this page, I’m hoping it’s going to be one that you come back to each month!

Every month in 2021 I am intending to do a monthly reset as suggested by the awesome MuchelleB (queen of Notion and YouTube). As part of my goal-setting and planning this year, I have intended to refine my process and ensure that I am being as efficient as possible in order to save time. Part of that is regular maintenance of my workspace and I thought I'd share my monthly reset so you can join in and save for later month!

I’d love to hear any additional or other ideas you would add to the list below. The comments section is now OPEN!




Have a review of the areas of your business and personal growth gives you time to reflect on your achievements and also give you a platform to plan your growth from things that haven’t served you well.


  • Have you made any big or small wins towards your goals?

  • Are there any goals that need more support?


  • What has gone really well this month? Is there a way you can continue that for the next month?

  • Is there anything you’ve done or that has happened this month that you would like to stop? Maybe it’s a particular service you no longer want to offer, or perhaps a behaviour like Imposter Syndrome that you’d like to get under control? Try to find an action that means you can phase out the things that don’t help you!

  • Look at the areas where you would like to start something new; whether that is a course, new marketing strategy or social media channel. Plan those into the next month(s).


When I have a clear space, I feel more able to be efficient. I like to be in control of my day-to-day, and having a clean, tidy space really helps me to be productive.


  • Tidy or organise your workspace

  • File paperwork - log expenses and receipts!

  • Clear that ‘in’ tray

  • Create a neat new to-do list if you write a physical one.


  • Sort through your downloads folder and delete or file everything

  • Do the same with your desktop!

  • Check your apps - delete any that you don’t use.

  • File emails into folders so they are easy to trace back - you can even set up rules to do this!

  • Unsubscribe from email campaigns that you never signed up to, or that no longer align with your vibe.


Catching up with the metrics you haven’t had time to process during the weeks is important before you can successfully plan what’s next. It’s time to note down those measurables.


  • What have been your best and worst sellers? Can you identify why - was there a campaign for one product, or a promotion on a service? Make notes on ways to maintain the best seller and bring up the worst.


  • How are your marketing campaigns doing? Is there a good return on investment (ROI)? Are you hitting the numbers you wanted on those Sponsored Ads? See what has worked well and what hasn’t.

  • Your organic (non-paid) social content will have metrics behind it if you have business/creator accounts. Check-in on the most popular content being sure to check the measurable that is most important to you e.g. impressions and reach for community growth, or comments and tags for a giveaway etc.


  • Have a look through the billed and outstanding balances on your accounts, are there any payments that need chasing? Do you have any big outgoing for the coming month? If you do, how is cashflow? All good things to check up on regularly!


Finally, plan your next month(s) using your Measure and Review sections to help. This way you can block your diary out and make real progress next month.


  • Book time in your diary for any meetings that you might need for the coming month. Send out invitations and Zoom links! Check-in on pre-planned meetings to ensure they are still going ahead - your time is precious!


  • Plan the content areas that are going to be most important in the coming months. If you can batch content creation into one or two days, you will feel so much lighter in the coming weeks #bossingit.

To Do’s

  • Update your to-do list with anything outstanding or new. Plan a way to tackle the areas that you missed this month - maybe they can be broken down into small chunks because at the moment that task looks overwhelming?

  • Are there new goals you’d like to add for this year, or do you need to do a bit of a re-forecast as things change?

  • Set actionable steps towards your goals for the coming months


  • Looking forward over the next 6 months is there anything you need to start planning for or actioning now? Remember commissioning others to support your business can take some time, so factor in your launch date and work backwards to check.

  • See if you can plot out your cash flow for the months ahead, in order to be able to foresee any issues before they arise!

  • Plot in the next time you will do a reset! If this was helpful, get it in the diary now so you can repeat and conquer!

If this has been helpful, be sure to share with another business owner because #CooperationOverCompetition right? Or tag them in my post on Instagram

Until the next one,



Lucianne Uwins

I’m Lucianne, a creative designer specialising in website design, branding, marketing collateral for businesses large and small particularly within the retail sector. I also love to work with brides and grooms-to-be on their wedding branding, websites, invitations and more.

I help businesses grow using a personalised, hands-on approach to your brand identity and design requirements.

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