How To Know When It's Time For A Rebrand 🌈

Are you feeling embarrassed about your business? Lost when it comes to what to write? Reluctant to send that email or make an update to your website and worse still, putting off those sales calls? If any of these feel like you, it could be time for a rebrand.



Lack of Professionalism

Your friend made your logo and you haven't considered your brand strategy, full brand identity or even who your customer is and who your want to attract.

Lack of Drive

Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning to advance your business.

‘Overwhelm’ means you don’t know what to do next.

You are exhausted and ready to give up.

Lack of Impact

Feeling like you are part of the pack, rather than standing out as a leader in your field.

You struggle to convert clients to a sale, you go into sales calls expecting a no and mostly get one.

Clients you do convert turn out to be big trouble 🚩

You are selling to a client that is different to the one you were targetting.


Lack of Sales

Your website and socials are not converting into sales.

You aren't getting interaction on your social content.

You are sending emails, but there are low conversions and high numbers of unsubscribers.

You have more unique (new) customers than repeating ones.

Lack of Focus

You want to make sales in a new sector, to a new customer or to drive new product sales to your existing customers

You are ready to raise your prices by showing your new experience or products

You want to change your business name!

You've achieved your current goals and are ready to take the next step to grow your business

Your brand could be damaging your business. Sounds brutal, but honestly, that is a fact. If your branding doesn't align with your ideal customer's expectations and aspirations you might be putting them off converting with you. First impressions matter, it's hard to change your customer's perception of you if they don't love your ethos from the get-go!

Rebranding involves looking at your brand from all angles; visual identity, imagery, messaging and even your goals and mission. By evaluating these, and making adjustments, you can expect to:

👉🏼 Raise your prices 💰

👉🏼 Attract your dream clients (you know, the ones you ❤️ working with)

👉🏼 Feel more confident and proud of your business, meaning you can show up more! 💃🏻

👉🏼 Finally saying 👋🏼 to the 9-5 and making your own moves, on your own terms!

In short, investing in your brand should produce a return on that investment. You will need to allocate a budget to this project to get things done by a professional, like they say buy cheap, buy twice. It's a no-brainer to make a change if you can relate to this post!

Refreshing your brand shouldn't be something that is ignored and put off because it feels overwhelming. The longer you put it off the more overwhelming it's going to become. Let this post be a sign to tackle your rebrand now, not in six more months or more, because it's hurting your business in the long term.

Lucianne Uwins

I’m Lucianne, a creative designer specialising in website design, branding, marketing collateral for businesses large and small particularly within the retail sector. I also love to work with brides and grooms-to-be on their wedding branding, websites, invitations and more.

I help businesses grow using a personalised, hands-on approach to your brand identity and design requirements.

Jobs a design retainer could take off your hands 🙌🏼


3 pieces of advice if you want to start your own business or go freelance